Fees, fines, replacements

Overdue Fines and Replacements

Materials must be returned to the library at the latest on the due date by closing time. The following fines are collected for overdue materials:

Adults' material: €0.20/day after the due date, limit € 5.00/loan. In addition, €2.00/reminder.

Children's materials: €2.00/reminder

New card: €2.00 (adults), €1.00 (children)


Reservation fee (Hyvinkää library material): free

Fee, if reserved material is not picked up: €1.00 (not charged for children's material)

Regional loan (Ratamo and Kirkes libraries): €2.00

Prints from the Internet or CD-ROM: €0.30/page

Prints (colour) from the internet or cd-rom: €0,60/page

Copies: €0.30/exposure

Colour copies: €0,60e/exposure

Long distance loan: €8.00

Plastic bag €0.25

The Culture and Recreation Committee has confirmed the fees 30.1.2025.

Replacement of Lost or Damaged Material

Borrowed material must be handled with care. The owner of a card is liable to replace the lost or damaged materials which have been borrowed with the card. The material is replaced by presenting the library with a new comparable item or by paying the replacement fee determined by the library. Movies and CD-ROMs cannot, however, be replaced with a new copy due to copyright reasons. 

Suspending User and Borrowing Rights

The customer's borrowing rights will be temporarily suspended when a third reminder has been sent or when the customer's penalties (unpaid overdue or other fines) are €20 or more. The borrowing rights will be regained when the borrowed materials are returned or replaced and fines paid.

Päivitetty 4.2.2025