User regulations for customer computers

Use of customer computers requires an Ebooking user ID and password. You can get these from the library. By signing you agree to conform to these regulations.

In Hakala library user ID is not needed. 

Users shall not engage in any explicit, violent or illegal activity on the Internet. Users shall respect the privacy of others and refrain from disturbing other users. The Library reserves the right to: terminate the session, evict the users and suspend the Library privileges of any one whose computer use disrupts Library service or violates Library policies or these regulations. Suspending period can vary from one to thirty days.

The library will not be held responsible for any damage caused by technical failure or user negligence. Users are responsible for their information security and saving their work. The library will not be held responsible for any damage caused through using its customer computers. Users should also obey the Finnish law.

Reserving the computer

You can book a pc for an hour. You can make one reservation per day and three per week. In addition, you can once make a new reservation when you use the computer you reserved (so called free turn). You can book a pc over the Internet ( For additional information, please refer to public computer user manual.

Queue-up computers

There are five 30 minute queue-up computers; two on the second floor and three in the entrance lobby. Also one 60 minute computer on the second floor. These computers are used without booking.

Päivitetty 28.5.2024