
The library’s customer computers provide Internet access, ordinary office programs and access to various databases. In the main library computer session time is 60 minutes (5 computers). Two of computers can be find in newspaper room, two in students reading room and one on the second floor. In addition there are 5 computers with 30 minutes session time; two of these are located on the second floor and three in the entrance lobby. Computers with 30 minutes session time and 60 min computer up stairs are queue-up computers (no reservation).

The basic applications on customer computers are Microsoft Edge and Chrome browsers, and LibreOffice.

There is also a wireless connection service.

Use of computers and booking procedure

To use a computer you need an eBooking username and password. These you can get from library. You can print out the registration form (PDF) in advance.

It is worthwhile booking a pc in advance. You can book a pc over the Internet, by calling or visiting the library. You can make one reservation per day.

Libraries have also queue-up computers, which can be used without booking. You can print printouts (black-and white printouts cost 0.30 euros/page, color printouts 0.60 euros/page). Computers provide the plug-in possibility for memory sticks and digital cameras (USB).

Book a PC

Library's user regulations for customer computers

How to use a customer computer

Ratamo catalogue browser

All libraries provide Ratamo catalogue browsers, which you can use to browse the reference database of the libraries in the capital area, make reservations and check their status as well as renew loans.

Päivitetty 28.5.2024