
In Hyvinkää, the Daisy application is used in early childhood education services. Guardians have access to both eDaisy and DaisyFamily.


eDaisy provides access to decisions related to early childhood education relationships, various applications, termination notices, income statements, and change notifications (address change, hour limit change, request for change of care place, other changes). Using eDaisy requires strong authentication. The language of eDaisy can be changed into English by going to “käyttäjän perustiedot” – “kieli”. Link to Hyvinkää’s eDaisy: https://hyvinkaa.daisynet.fi/eDaisy/Esuomi/EsuomiLogin


Through the DaisyFamily application, guardians can see information related to the child’s early childhood education (early childhood education relationship, early childhood education plan, pedagogical documentation). The application also enables communication between early childhood education and home. Guardians use DaisyFamily to book the child’s daily early childhood education and pre-primary education times and report absences. All communication in early childhood education takes place through the DaisyFamily application.The language of DaisyFamily can be changed into English by going to “Asetukset” – “Kielet”.

DaisyFamily can be used either through a web browser or with an application downloaded to a smartphone


Daisy instructions for guardians

Päivitetty 25.7.2024