Puolimatkan koulu, Puolimatka School is a comprehensive school including nursery - preschool, primary and secondary school. Pupils in our school are aged between 5 and 16 years (in some cases 17 years).
Our school's location is in the halfway from Helsinki to Hämeenlinna (cities in Finland). Puolimatka means literally "half way".
- The school is 109 years old.
- 600 pupils
- classes from 1st to 9th (7-16 years)
- Seven special education teachers
- Two special classes a) for strengthened special education and b) rehabilitative class: those who have medical/clinical reasons not to be able to study in a normal group
- ~ 120 immigrants
- ~50 teachers
- 6 class assistants
- 1 school nurse
- 1 psychologist (shared)
- 1 social curator
- 1 school secretary
- 1 caretaker
- 5 kitchen workers/ cleaners
Read more about our international projects here:
Trust in Finnish schools - one perspective
In the US, the Finnish school system is sometimes seen as o sort of spectacle. How does such a small, quiet country, with shorter school days and less homework hove such successful students? Many people have tried to answer this question, and as such, many articles have been written about the virtues of the Finnish school system. As on education student at university with a long-time love of Finland, I have always read these articles with great interest, but at times, I have wondered how the things I read could really be applied to my own future classroom. I felt like the ideas I read (no standardized tests, free lunches, more outside play, less homework, etc.) just could not work outside of the context of the Finnish school system. I have had the amazing opportunity for the post month and o half to observe and work with the teachers and students here at Puolimatka school, and as I have experienced the system first hand, one theme jumps out to me as the glue which holds all the elements of the Finnish school system together: trust. In Finland, and particularly at Puolimatka, both students and teachers are given a great amount of autonomy and trust. Teachers ore trusted to teach in a way that best facilitates their students' learning. They in turn trust their students to be respectful and to take ownership of their education. The students know that their teachers trust them and believe in them, so they work hard to be worthy of that trust. Their teachers' faith in them, leads them to believe in their own abilities. They perform better because they know thot they ore trusted. Of course, students and teachers in Finland are just as human as students and teachers anywhere else. They are not perfect; they make mistakes, but the policy of trust does not go away. lt is evident during the time between classes when students go outside to play. lt is evident in the special education system as students come to get help in whatever subjects they are struggling with. lt is evident in the way that teachers and students treat each other both in the classroom and on field trips. Trust is everywhere. There are many lessons that I hope to take with me as I begin my career as a teacher, but I believe that one of the most important ones, the one that will make all the others matter is trust in my students and to believe that each of them are capable and worthy of learning.
Ruth Bruce (ruth.bruce(at)
Welcome - take a tour in our school with us:
in English: Our school in English
en francais: Notre école en français 1, Notre école en français 2
på svenska: Vår skola på svenska
Social and Green Entrepreneurship 2023 - 2025
CAN - Climate Action Now 2021 - 2023
In this project we had partners from Croatia (Main Coordinators), Poland, Portugal, France and Spain.
Our project was called Climate Action Now and it focused on sustainable living, social skills - social sustainability, climate change etc. Project could be followed in Instagram @erasmus_climateactionnow and on eTwinning-platform and you can still reach it on the website:

Sustainability is Everyone's responsability 2018-2020
Our school took part in an Erasmus+project with France, Croatia, Poland and Portugal. This project was called Sustainability is everyone's responsability.
Project can still be found on these websites:
Facebook: Sustainability - Everyone's responsability- @sustainabilityErasmus
and on eTwinning-platform with the same name - if you are a member of eTwinning-platform.

Our school took part in an Erasmus+ project with several other countries.
Read more about our Erasmus+ project 2014-2017:
We receive every year some 25 students from Beijing, China. This cooperation is very fruitfull for our students as some 25 4th-5th graders receive "one chinese friend" during 3 days.
Read more:
We also receive teachers, educators and school directors from China every year. These visits are 3-5 hours long and concentrate on observing classes and hearing about our school and our school system.
Dôle 2019
We started an exchange project with a school in Dôle, France in 2018.
In April 2019 we will receive some 25 students from France in Hyvinkää!
Please read more here:
Bretagne 2017
Our school has constant co-operation with different international institutions. In March 2017 we received 17 French students and two teachers who wanted to learn about our school and our country. This friendship continued in June 2017 when 22 students from Puolimatka-school visited La Bretagne (France) . More information about the exchange projects:
Read more in French:
Please read in English here:
Koulumme oli mukana HundrEd-hankkeessa ja on mukana Erasmus+ hankkeissa usean muun maan kanssa.
Mikä HundrEd?
Suomalaista koulujärjestelmää on pidetty vuosikymmeniä yhtenä maailman parhaista.
Viime aikoina oppimistuloksemme ovat kuitenkin olleet laskussa. HundrED - 100 Koulua -hankkeen tavoitteena on/oli auttaa Suomea pysymään opetuksen mallimaana myös tulevaisuudessa.
100 Koulua -hankkeessa haastateltiin 100 kansainvälistä koulutusasiantuntijaa ja kerätään 100 koulua uudistavaa innovaatiota eri puolilta maailmaa. Hanke huipentui sataan konkreettiseen kokeiluun, jotka toteutettiin suomalaisissa kouluissa lukuvuonna 2016 - 2017.
Meidän HundrEd-tavoitteemme on: "Oman koulun kehittäminen opetuksen muotona".
Puolimatkan koulun oppilaat kehittävät ja testaavat yhdessä koulun henkilökunnan ja vanhempien kanssa menetelmiä, joiden avulla pohditaan sitä, millainen tulevaisuuden koulun pitäisi olla. Tavoitteena on auttaa oppilaita ymmärtämään oppimisprosessia ja koulun roolia useasta eri näkökulmasta. Hankkeessa etsitään uusia tapoja, joiden avulla on mahdollista lisätä oppilaiden osallistumismahdollisuuksia heidän omaa oppimistaan ja kouluaan koskevaan päätöksentekoon.
Lue tarkemmin tavoitteista: